contact persons Contact our College Resource Persons like Our Principal, Registrar and Treasurer for your varied related queries. Rev. Prof. Dr. Naveen Rao Principal e-mail: ltcjbp@gmail.comnrltcjbp@gmail.comPhones:Principal’s Office : + 91 761 4046133Mobile: : + 91 9424705722 Dr. Pranay Bin Hiyal Registrar email: registrarltc21@gmail.comPhones:College Office: + 91 761 4063307Mobile: : + 91 7682976001 Mr. Vince Samuel Acting Treasurer email: treasurerltcjbp@gmail.comPhones:Treasurer Office: + 91 761 4006751Mobile: : + 91 7049795051 Contact Us Write to us to make any enquiry Twitter Your Details Let us know how to get back to you. First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Phone Number * How can we help? Feel free to ask a question or simply leave a message. Message / Questions * Our Location